Celebrating Our First Debut Author—Brianne Sommerville!

We did it!
Well actually Brianne Sommerville did it! She wrote a stellar suspenseful story about adjusting to motherhood and how the people closest to you aren't always who you think they are. And on March 5th, it will be out in the world. Is that not the coolest thing ever?
As a founding member of TeamLCTFL, Brianne showed up to the first meeting with a great manuscript and the chops to see it all the way through to publication. She worked hard on revisions to sharpen her vision and voice, and then found a home with the amazing Rising Action Publishing Collective. Now she's got TV appearances booked, a sold-out launch party coming up AND another book on the way. Plus did we mention that she's a mother to three adorable kiddos and works full-time? Yep. She's really doing it all and we couldn't be prouder of her.
In her own words, the process has gone like this:
"Nearly six years ago, while on maternity leave with my eldest, I was feverishly scribbling in my notebook, confiding in its pages about my darkest fears as a new mother. It was the infinite days and sleepless nights fraught with anxiety that ended up laying the groundwork for If I Lose Her. What began as my sleep-deprived stream of consciousness, evolved into a universal story of a first-time mother whose mind may or may not be unravelling. I hope readers will find Joanna Baker’s story relatable but I also hope they enjoy the twisty ride as they turn the pages to get to the truth."
If you're not following Brianne already, you're going to want to make sure you find her on Instagram, Twitter / X, GoodReads and TikTok where she posts all her publishing news (plus really cute videos!). Then you're going to want to get on Amazon/Audible to grab the audio version of If I Lose Her, and head to your favorite bookstore or online seller to pick up a copy.
We cannot wait for you to read Brianne's work and we hope her success inspires lots of other emerging authors.
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